Scott Rosberg
Coach's Corner
PO Box 1851
Livingston, MT 59047

A Bit About Me
Scott Rosberg has been a coach at the high school/middle school levels for 40 years, an English teacher for 21 years, and an athletic director for 12 years. He has published numerous books on coaching and youth/school athletics, two books of inspirational messages and quotes for graduates, and a fiction series of stories for athletes and coaches. Scott has a podcast for coaches called Great Quotes for Coaches, available on all of the major podcast providers, and he does weekly videos for coaches and athletes on his SlamDunk Success YouTube Channel. He also speaks to schools, teams, and businesses on a variety of team-building, leadership, and coaching topics. Scott has a variety of other materials about coaching and athletic topics on his website—SlamDunk Success. You can email Scott at scott@slamdunksuccess.com. Scott is also a member of the Proactive Coaching speaking team. Proactive Coaching is dedicated to helping organizations create character and education-based team cultures, while providing a blueprint for team leadership. Proactive Coaching can be found on the web at www.proactivecoaching.info. You can join the 900,000+ people who receive daily messages of inspiration on Proactive Coaching’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/proactivecoach.