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More Park County Heroes and their upcoming events

By Joyce Johnson

1) The 8th annual Annual Emigrant Fall Festival is Saturday Oct. 28, 10 to 3pm, where both Emigrant Hall and St. John’s Episcopal Church, just across the lane from each other, open their doors to sell all manner of items from traditional crafts, jewelry, clothing, art & photography, upcyles, cosmetics, pottery, art & portraiture, gift items, a raffle of vendor donations and a great deal more—l personally can already taste St. John’s famous Chili (vegan, regular and white) & cornbread. Not just art&crafts anymore. Proceeds from vendor space sales, and food sales at St. John’s, go to The Valley Friendship Fund, a helper for locals and beyond, in need, offered by St. John’s church for many years.

The Annual Fall Fest is always a kick to visit, buy stuff at, see friends you haven't’ seen in ages, and make new ones. Besides that, it’s smart to think ahead to gift-giving for Christmas, and or just add to a stash of birthday gifts for those on the horizon, and, to support your community markets. Do draw a big circle around the calendar on Oct. 28, and come to Emigrant to stroll around in the collective Heart of the Creatives of Park County.

2) Nature & Nurture: Working with Animals – is the title of a series of talks at Yellowstone Gateway Museum located at the museum on 118 W. Chinook St. in Livingston, which just in case you really don’t know where it is? still has a train car sitting on the lawn. Each talk is at 6 pm on the dates listed blow: A fun and entertaining speaker duo begins with Lorna Marchington who will talk on sheep ranching and local history, on October 18. Lorna is a favorite multi generation Montana Daughter of the Land, who runs the Almost A Sheep ranch in Pray. She will be sharing her knowledge about sheep ranching and history, and whatever other stories can be coaxed out of her. The podium will be shared with Helen Harris, Fiber Artist, who has a Masters in Textile Design, and if she isn’t wandering the foothills of her home looking for colors, patterns, and textures in nature to inspire her elaborate weavings, she’s creatively mending jeans and recycling fibers. On Nov 1, same time and place, is a talk by Wendy Bauwens, breeder of the shorter but very powerful Norwegian Fjord horse, an ancient breed once used by Viking warriors, sharing the time with a talk by Chris Seigle, Sunnyside Farms, Clyde Park, where is a Therapist and works with Fjords. Nov 15 is cattle rancher night with Connie Malcolm and Martin Davis. We are lucky to have them and it is hoped many will attend these talks to ask questions and learn about our land, and it’s great keepers, and the colorful history of Montana. More info is online at:

Heroes #4: The Livingston Food Resource Org.: a.k.a. the “Pantry people” get the honorable caboose’s place in this article because they are super heros to distribute donated food to the people of Park County. One employee, and 2 or 3 volunteers, usually Bridget and Larry, bring the Pantry truck to Emigrant to offer food to those in need around the valley every last Friday of the month. They also distribute the second Friday of the month to residents around Shields Valley.

Wanting to understand more about this great program, and always on the lookout for heroes, I talked with Erin, the Program Coordinator, to learn the ropes of what to me is an impressive and expansive non prof activity worthy of gratitude and pride in service to the community. First of all they write and receive grants and acquire product by various purchases, exchanges and donations. The state of life everywhere is getting both more challenging and expensive, but the Pantry People have a plan in place dedicated to making sure nobody is hungry.

A recent purchase of 100 pounds of wheat was given to a bakery that sells baked goods to Livingston residents; proceeds help support the food purchases for distribution to us all. The donated Kamut bread is wonderful. Park County residents can also be grateful to many locals who are committed donors to Livingston Food Resources and pantry: D&D West Greenhouses, is one of the biggest donors, and also Sugarbeet Farm Org. Recent “Give A Hoot” donations to the Food Pantry were over $70k. The quality of food is local, fresh, and in many cases organic, and includes grains, frozen meats, local produce, baked goods, canned, and more.

Although the Pantry store and Loaves & Fishes Cafe have been open and operating for townsfolk for many years, recent recipients of food were our flood victims and families who needed a hand getting back on their feet. Some of us are one-time, small quantity, or occasional recipients of the giveaways; some count on it regularly, grateful for the relief from the limitations of a set income or are jobless, in temporary or ongoing debt, and combinations of it all. More and more families who might have good jobs, cannot afford to pay the rising rent or find affordable housing, which creates a tight budget at best. But if you feel you need help, just ask.

We can go to the pantry store at 202 So. 2nd Street in Livingston (walk-in) Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 5 pm. Call them at 222 5335 if questions. They are gearing up for 455 Thanksgiving Day boxes to give away. The Pantry People are Heroes who walk the talk.

We hope you can get to some of these events, and ….get “grounded” in Montana’s powerful and sustaining history, traditions and impressive community support.


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