MARCH 22 AND 23, 2024

If you find yourself looking to buy or sell antiques, if you are a solid community supporter, or if simply enjoy a gathering of fun people (and who doesn’t), you won’t want to miss the NEW TO YOU ARTS AND ANTIQUE SALE March 22 and 23, 2024 at the Shane Center in Livingston, MT. This event is sponsored by the Park County Affiliate of the American Association of University Women (AAUW). This popular biannual event raises funds to support the group’s educational activities. AAUW awards scholarships, honors Park High’s academic achievers, and hosts candidate debates during elections.
Attendees get full access to the two-day event for $10.00. This includes the Friday evening opening party (5:00 pm-8:00pm) featuring wine and light appetizers, and an opportunity to look at items for sale and bid on silent auction items. One of our members declared it “...the best party in town.” The Saturday event runs from 9:00-Noon. Patrons wanting to attend the Saturday event separately the cost is $5.00.
With this event just 6 weeks away, AAUW volunteers are busy looking for quality items to sell. “We are asking friends and neighbors in the community to check their attics for things they would like to donate or sell on consignment” explains AAUW President, Lani Hartung. “One of the things about New to You is that people can come enjoy themselves, support a good cause and walk away with a great find or even a nice check.”
If you are interested in donating or selling items or want to learn more about the event - contact:
Lani Hartung at (406) 223-2123, Désirée Pihl at (406) 223-4381 or Priscilla Dysart at (406) 222-6937. March is a chilly time of year and New to You always warms up the season with community spirit and excitement.