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Canine Corner

by: Kylie Purcell

Q: My dog seems to fixate on other dogs and objects, he isn’t aggressive but stares intently. How can I fix this?

There are a couple ways to help this issue. If this is happening while out on a walk, try to not allow the dog to pause and think. Keep him moving and try to change your direction. If he is genuinely curious, talk to him in a soothing tone and try to walk closely past. Meeting other dogs on a leash is not recommended as dogs can be protective and reactive, but you can walk on by the other dog. Practice this in a secure location with a known friendly dog and see if this is the case by allowing the two dogs that know each other to meet on a leash. If this isn’t the case, some dogs tend to focus on different items out of curiosity and concern. Dogs are routine animals when we change their routine or their environment they sometimes need time to understand that flower pot we just set out on the deck won’t eat them. Be observant on your walks and try to pinpoint what your pup is focused on. If its an object you can walk up and touch to show your pup it isn’t scary. Try it, touch it, tap it, and talk in a happy cheerful voice “look fluffy, this is exciting!” It may also be worth your while the next time you are at the vet, get his eyes checked, just in case! If the exam comes back normal try narrowing the focus down. If its just an issue with animals, you can change direction. If its an object, try and show your pup the object isn’t that scary.

To submit your questions Text or call 406-333-1980 or email


Kylie has been actively training Livingstons dogs since 2009. She began teaching dog obedience with the late, great Jo Sykes, and the rest is history!

Montana Dog Company is proud to offer retail, 24-hour self dog wash, dog training, and so much more. Kylie has competed with North American Dog Agility Council for over 25 years and with many different breeds of dogs. Even though training is her passion, she enjoys the outdoors with her husband, toddler, and baby boy. Livingston is her home and she is here to work for you and your pup! Contact her today!


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